About Me

My photo
Hello, my name is Lindsey Steinbeck. This will be my third year of teaching at St. Peter! I grew up in Jefferson City where I attended Immaculate Conception and Helias Catholic High School. I earned a degree in Elementary Education at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to be a teacher! I cannot wait to begin teaching your child!

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Week of 9/4-9/8

Spelling- test Friday (9/8)

Math- Lessons 10-11, Ch.1 test on Thursday (9/7)

Science- Ch.1 test on Friday (9/8) STUDY only the TQ's on the outline

Reading- L.3 story (Destiny's Gift)

Social Studies- begin unit on map skills

Religion- begin types of prayers unit

Reminders- No school on Monday

Lesson 3 Spelling

  1. lay

  2. real

  3. trail

  4. sweet

  5. today

  6. dream

  7. seem

  8. tea

  9. treat

  10. afraid

  11. leave

  12. bait

  13. cheer

  14. speed


  1. paint

  2. please


  1. yesterday

  2. explain 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Week of 8/28-9/1

Spelling: Test on Friday (9/1)

Math: Lessons 6-10

Reading: L.2 story (The Trial of Cardigan Jones)

Science: Continue reading Ch.1

Religion: Personal safety 

Reminders: picture day is Thursday (8/31) students need to wear their uniform

Spelling Lesson 2


  1. spoke

  2. mile

  3. save

  4. excuse 

  5. cone

  6. invite

  7. cube 

  8. price

  9. erase

  10. ripe

  11. broke

  12. flame

  13. life 

  14. rule


  1. these

  2. those


  1. surprise

  2. decide 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Week of 8/21-8/25

Thank you so much for those that turned in all the forms from Open House. You are awesome!! Last week, we focused on learning the classroom and school rules and procedures. We did lots of fun get-to-know-you activities. This week we will begin classwork so please check your child's planner every night. Please remember their planner and purple folder must come back to school every day. 

Here are the main things we will be doing in class this week:

Spelling: STUDY- test on Friday (8/25)
Math: Lessons 1-4
Reading: Read Lesson 1 story (A Fine, Fine School) 
English: Begin talking about subjects and predicates
Science: Begin reading Ch.1 L.1-L.2 as a class and fill out the outline
Social Studies: Scholastic magazines
Religion: Discuss what it means to be a Christian and do some related activities
Reminders: If your child brings a snack please make sure it is healthy. 

Lesson 1 Spelling List

  1. crop

  2. plan

  3. thing

  4. smell

  5. shut

  6. sticky

  7. spent

  8. lunch

  9. pumpkin

  10. clock

  11. gift

  12. class

  13. skip

  14. swing

  15. next

  16. hug

  17. hospital

  18. fantastic

Pictures from the first three days of school

 "Saving Fred" activity- Students had to work together to help Fred (the gummy worm) get on a lifesaver and into his boat. All four groups eventually saved Fred!

Our first class pictures :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Week of 8/16-8/18

Welcome to my blog!

It was so nice to meet everyone at Open House this week! Every week I will post what we are doing in class that week, tests, and reminders. I will also post pictures when we do a fun project or activity! If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to email me at lsteinbeck@stpeterjc.org. 

Don't forget to fill out all the papers on the "return to school" side in your child's purple folder and return them to me as soon as you can. I am so excited for this year!!

Last week of school!

No homework all week!! Reminders:  Monday- dress down for $1 Tuesday- dress down and early dismissal at 1:30 Wednesday- Praise Assembly Thur...