About Me

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Hello, my name is Lindsey Steinbeck. This will be my third year of teaching at St. Peter! I grew up in Jefferson City where I attended Immaculate Conception and Helias Catholic High School. I earned a degree in Elementary Education at Missouri State University in Springfield, MO. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to be a teacher! I cannot wait to begin teaching your child!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Last week of school!

No homework all week!!

Monday- dress down for $1
Tuesday- dress down and early dismissal at 1:30
Wednesday- Praise Assembly
Thursday- Summer Blast Off. Dress down and bring a lunch that does not need to be microwaved
Friday- Last day! Dress down and dismissal at 11:30. Report cards go home.

Have a wonderful and safe summer!! It has been a pleasure to have your child in my class this year. I will miss them so much next year! Thank you for your constant support and all that you do!!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Week of 6th-10th

Spelling: No more spelling tests!

Math: Lessons 104-105, graphing lessons/worksheets

Reading: Finish reading The Lemonade War

Social Studies: Begin Democracy unit

Science: Continue with water and home safety unit

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Field trip to the Governor's Mansion

3rd grade went on a field trip to the Governor's Mansion on Wednesday. We enjoyed some popsicles when we got back!


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Week of April 29th- May 3rd

Spelling- L.25 test on Friday (5/3)

Math- Ch. 19 test on Tuesday (4/30), lessons 101-103

Reading- Continue reading The Lemonade War

Science- Continue talking about body. Begin talking about water safety

Social Studies- Continue with MO history unit

Religion- Continue Stewardship unit 

Reminders- Field trip to the Governor's Mansion on Wednesday (5/1)

Spelling Lesson 25

  1. painless

  2. sickness

  3. sadness

  4. helpless

  5. thankless

  6. kindness

  7. hopeless

  8. darkness

  9. fearless

  10. thickness

  11. careless

  12. goodness

  13. spotless

  14. softness


  1. useful

  2. weakly


  1. breathless

  2. eagerness

Monday, April 22, 2024

Week of April 22nd-26th

Spelling- test on Friday (4/26)

Math- Lessons 96-100

Reading- L.24 story (Dog of the Sea Waves)

Social Studies- Continue with MO history unit

Science- Begin unit about the body 

Religion- Continue with Stewardship unit

Spelling Lesson 24

  1. unfold

  2. rejoin

  3. untie

  4. reheat

  5. unfair

  6. unclear

  7. repaid

  8. rewrite

  9. unhurt

  10. recheck

  11. unlucky

  12. unwrap

  13. reuse

  14. unsure


  1. reread

  2. unsafe


  1. unbuckle

  2. unknown

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Week of April 15th-19th

Spelling: Test on Friday (4/19)

Math: Lessons 93-95, Ch.18 test on Friday (4/19)

Science: Test over Ch.12 on Thursday (4/18) Study all TQ's on outline

Social Studies: Continue with MO History unit

Religion: Begin Stewardship unit

Reading: Lesson 23 story (The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman)

Reminders: Mid-quarters go home on Wednesday (4/17)

Spelling Lesson 23

  1. singer

  2. loudly

  3. joyful

  4. teacher

  5. fighter

  6. closely

  7. powerful

  8. farmer

  9. quickly

  10. careful

  11. friendly

  12. speaker

  13. wonderful

  14. truly


  1. hopeful

  2. safely


  1. listener

  2. calmly

Friday, April 5, 2024

Week of April 8th-12th

Spelling: test on Friday (4/12)

Math: lessons 90-92, test on Wednesday (4/17)

Reading: Lesson 22 story (The Journey: Stories of Migration)

Science: finish Ch.12 

Social Studies: Continue with MO history unit

Reminders: Early dismissal at 12:00 on Monday for the Solar Eclipse 

1:30 dismissal/dress down on Tuesday 

Talent show on Wednesday

Big Bucks on Friday

Spelling Lesson 22

  1. cities

  2. cried

  3. puppies

  4. hurried

  5. stories

  6. flies

  7. parties

  8. tried

  9. pennies

  10. fried

  11. carried

  12. babies

  13. spied

  14. ponies


  1. pretty

  2. very


  1. countries

  2. libraries

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Week of Mar. 25th-27th & April 4th-5th

Spelling: no test this week!

Math: Lessons 86-89

Reading: Finish Sarah Plain and Tall

Science: Continue with Ch. 12

Social Studies: Continue with MO History Unit

Religion: Continue discussing Lent/Easter

Reminders: No school on 3/28, 3/29, 4/1, 4/2, 4/3, Early out on 3/27

Friday, March 15, 2024

Week of March 18th-21st

Spelling- Test on Thursday (3/21)

Math- Lessons 84-85, Ch. 16 test on Thursday (3/21)

Reading- Sarah Plain and Tall (full story this week)

Social Studies- continue with MO History Unit

Science- Begin Ch.12 (Energy)

Religion- continue talking about Lent/Easter

Reminders- No school on Friday (3/22)

  1. aren't 
  2. partner
  3. hard
  4. chart
  5. farm
  6. start
  7. large
  8. more
  9. before
  10. horse
  11. north
  12. morning
  13. care
  14. stare
  15. warning
  16. Easter

Last week of school!

No homework all week!! Reminders:  Monday- dress down for $1 Tuesday- dress down and early dismissal at 1:30 Wednesday- Praise Assembly Thur...